Flexible flying since 2000

Our history of flight

“Flying should be so much more fun.” It seems like a very simple remark, but being squished between the cramped seats and bad catering on the commercial airlines was the trigger for The Aviation Factory. It’s the year 2000. The year the millennium bug did as promised and made flying pleasurable again.

With great enthusiasm and knowledge of the world of private jets, two partners joined forces. With contacts worldwide and both knowledge and operational experience in the aviation sector; when opportunity knocked, they opened the door. Giving them the chance to make flying fun again with charter flights, private jets and customised aviation services. The way it always should have been.

In the sluggish aviation industry, The Aviation Factory is the speedy and graceful gazelle. We are the connection between unique requests and endless possibilities. No request is too much. No challenge too big. The more than 3,000 flights per year on all the continents are proof of that.

“No matter what, we go the extra mile, so you can make the difference."

A day in the sky

Customisation in the air

Magic is our mission

We move people. Literally and figuratively. That’s our mission. By making flying exciting, adventurous and fun again. By responding quickly to trends and requests. We make time relative and the world accessible: pure freedom floating on wings.

Ready-made solutions are best left to others. We prefer to find unique solutions to unique requests: customisation in the air. And if people look at us a bit strangely sometimes, so be it. From personalised bites as a snack to a concert by your favourite band when you arrive.

It’s simple: if it flies, we’ll make it happen. From private jet to jumbo jet, from Concorde to blimp – and if you ask really nicely, even (b)Limp Bizkit is an option. Or in the words of Jenna Jameson and Ron Jeremy: getting you off the ground is our profession.

Vizion is the art of seeing the invisible

Future flights

Times are a-changin’

To space and beyond. If and when, we don’t know. But when it does, we’ll be on board. Because we can, because we must. Yes sir, if it’s up to us, we’ll fly you to the moon. And back again. Just in time for your next appointment with history. 

Aviation is really just getting started and every day there are new and exciting opportunities. And that is absolutely fantastic. We welcome new technology with child-like enthusiasm and a rich imagination. Whether it be drones or air balloons in the stratosphere: The Aviation Factory has front row seats. Yesterday, today and tomorrow.